Gemini SEIN (separate register of investment instruments) is professional application intended for securities traders who provides investment services “Custody and administration of investment instruments”, through which taking on custody (immobilize) the securities of issuers. The issuers via this custody of securities cancels to 1.1.2014 anonymity of bearer shares in accordance with Act No. 134/2013 Coll. about some measures to increase the transparency of public limited companies.

Issuers and issue of securities

The application Gemini SEIN - a system for custody (immobilization) and administration of securities, respectively investment instruments allows to record the complete information about the issuer and its emissions. The custodian – share dealer can managed in the system more than 50 ordinary information about issue of securities and issuers to which can be connect an user-defined catalogs (dials) that will meet any additional requirements by the custodian on the registered information.

Holders / customers of securities and their assets accounts

The part of the application Gemini SEIN - a system for custody and administration (immobilization) of securities is a sophisticated agenda covering a register of holders / customers of securities and assets accounts, on which are managed the securities of holders / customers. To the holders / customers of securities and assets accounts the system keeps more than 60 attributes that analytical apparatus of system work with. In a short time the operator using the standard print reports or own individual outputs can react to the calls comming from the courts, executors, revenue authorities etc., which asks for the specific personal assets in terms of the securities holding in custody.

Managers of securities

The application Gemini SEIN collect in detail so called the managers of securies - persons which obtained the disposal right to handle with possession of holder / customer. The system user has a complex summary above the disposal rights towards given issue of specific issuer, belonging to the possession of concrete holder / customer.

Deposits, withdrawals, transfers and transitions of securities

The application Gemini SEIN allows to the system operator to update the status of the assets accounts through the transactions as deposit, withdrawal, transfer and transition of security. By these transactions, the system differentiate nearly 30 attributes, that provide the compact reflection about operations, that the operator executed into the system with the securities of given issue and relevant holder / customer on his own assets accounts.

For all of the above mentioned areas are implemented to the system the functionality as creating, editing, searching and archiving for that can be set two-phasic work with data so called the function of 4 eyes - "4E".

Imports and data consolidations

The application Gemini SEIN has implemented an intelligent process of importing of files that allows to the system users in a short time to input to the application extensive data, especially about the holders / customers of securities, counting the current state of keeping securties. The consolidation function of the system subsequently put guided data in a consistent state.

Printouts and reporting for CNB

The application Gemini SEIN allows to users format and print the data displayed by the application browsers. There is also for disposal a report manager containing a number of standard printouts that meets the needs of management and reporting of separate register of investment instruments and the reporting requirements from the CNB.