The SC OFFICE product portfolio is represented by the following applications:
DR Gemini - it is a "Front-end" system designed for on-line communication with the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) and Central Securities Depository Prague (CSDP).
Gemini - it is a "Back-office" system with a function of completely commercial settlement system, including solutions for branches and the risk management problems.
Gemini FX - it is a "Treasury sales" system designed for registration and management of OTC financial derivative contracts type FX Swap, FRA and Commodity forward.
Gemini SEIN - it is an „Immobilisation of securities“ system designed for immobilization of securities, supporting the provision of investment services "Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments".
Porthos - it is a "Portfolio management" system for management of portfolios on own and foreign accounts with a direct relation to the ledger of the trader with securities, private banking.
Aries - it is a "Depository" system designed for execution of the function of a depository according to the act on collective investment, including management of qualified investors funds.
Miracle - it is a "Data store" system executing central management of investment banking instruments, administration of a register of securities, issuers, currencies, exchange lists, etc.
SCO Administrátor - it is an "Administration - user policy" system for administration of clients, access rights, passwords, licences and global settings of the SC Office applications.