For bank and nonbank participants in trading with securities who need to enter trades into the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) or into the other markets with subsequent settlement into the Central Securities Depository Prague (CSDP), or in other depositories we have prepared the following application solutions.
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The solution is in accordance with the current legislation and allows to banking and non-banking traders to realize various types of client instructions with manual or with fully automated processing and settlementing of individual realizations, and accountings on asset accounts (client´s even own´s).
The solution includes administration and management of agenda that is associated with trading fees and commissions. Into the trades can be cleared each amount associated with the settlement of the trade. It may be a sum such as the total trade volume, accrued interest, volume of principal, or some fees or commissions. These can be variably setted by trader. These include fixed or a percentage fees of the realized volume and the like. These can be then recorded as charges against the market, as trader commission, or as a commission from other parties. Individual fees and commissions can be defined in a clear form for automated calculations with large of various parameters, or it can be entered manually. Any amounts may be accounted by the defined accounting standards.
Of course there is full support for the agenda of reporting to the supervisory and regulatory authority over the capital markets.