The application Gemini is a full trading system designed for domestic and foreign trading participants of trading with membership on the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) or in the Central Securities Depository Prague (CSDP). The application allows to these traders to trade on their own or foreign accounts with fully automated processing, settlement of trades and accounting on asset and money accounts according to the applicable methodology of the PSE or regulatory representatives. The application Gemini thus enables entire registration of trading with securities as well as provides information about financial position of the client. Standard solution of the application Gemini - system for settlement of trades also enables use of CSDP services including a support of trading with foreign securities.
Processing of trades
Within the Back-Office department the application Gemini provides full support for activities connected with trading with securities, particularly processing of executions, their export to the front-end application, import and processing from the PSE, import a processing of settlements from the PSE, including support for generation and printing of accounting documents and closing of the day. The solution of the application Gemini also includes tools for calculation of profits and losses for futures contracts.
Block trades
The application Gemini supports direct realisation of block trades on the PSE, i.e. conclusion and settlement of block trades, their import or overview of transparent registration of these trades.
Own and client contracts
The application Gemini provides registration and administration of the trader’s clients through a wide group of functions and overviews monitoring the client within the complete life cycle. In addition to the client contracts the application also supports registration of own contracts of the broker company and other functionalities connected with data administration and settings of the broker company as a trader on the PSE.
The management of asset accounts
The application Gemini supports the management of asset accounts , so that own´s or client´s. Into the basic operations which are related to the management of asset accounts belong especially deposits, withdrawals and validation of states.
Equity accounts
Beyond the basic agenda that is related to the management of clients or asset accounts the solution of the application Gemini includes the clear view of the actual state of shares into the securities register or the state of available balances on accounts, taking into consideration of commissions and fees.
Settlement of trades, transfers
Using the CSDP services the applications Gemini provides the full support for the processing of transfers and settlement of trades.
Clearing of volumes, fees, commissions
On the level of the administration of certain types of contracts the application Gemini allows to trader to define the distinguish of bandwidth by trading volume. And on the level of the administration of price lists to define a variable amount of fees and commissions, which are throughout the life cycle of a business case subsequently settled in accordance with the methodology of the PSE.
Evidence of persons, managers, shareholders, heirs
Through the using of CSDP services can be within the application Gemini entered into a central depository the basic information about persons, managers, shareholders and heirs, including questions on their current status.
Reconciliation of positions
The application Gemini offers a transparent tool for comparing of current states of the securities held on the portfolios against the extract of positions of individual custodians. Reconciliation of positions in the application Gemini also includes an option to import automatically the necessary data from the CSDP or foreign depots.
Registration and accounting
The application Gemini supports fully administration of asset and money accounts of individual clients, provides basic overviews of the money portfolio, monitoring of the states and instruments for archiving. Other functionalities provide e.g. import of the payments into the Czech National Bank (CNB) clearing centre, monitoring of states of the securities in the registers including their predictions, registration of voting rights, overviews of shares in the voting rights, administration and processing of balances.
Reports according to MiFID and DEOCP
In the field of provision of data for regulators of the market the application Gemini provides instruments for compilation of the Order book of investment firms (DEOCP) in the structure required by the CNB or also functions for compilation of reports to the CNB according to the MiFID guideline.
CSDP services
Support of complete agenda services connected with sending and processing of services of the Central Securities Depository Prague (CSDP) is another key functionality of the application Gemini. The particular CSDP services, supported by the application Gemini, are represented in particular by downloading of the current balances, balances on non-classified accounts, extracts from registration of persons, accounts, administrators, shareholders, securities, downloading of information to Saving Government Bonds (SGB), bills, SGB maturity, extracts from the owner’s account by the particular date, entries in the registration of persons, accounts, administrators, shareholders/heirs, securities, transfers of pledged securities, deposits and withdrawals of securities, realisation of a pledge with securities, suspension of a right to deal with securities, takeover of a non-classified account, non-paired transfer, administration of a register of clients and contracts.
The application Gemini is currently being prepared to extend the existing functionality related to the support of SWIFT solutions implemented by CSDP. Besides the standard framework of SWIFT messages the application Gemini will also cover services providing „Free of payment“ (FOP) settlement and basic statement services intended for CSDP participants .